Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Raw Moment

Bad days happen.

Bad-mom moments happen.

I must accept this.

I am not perfect.

Most of the time I am not even half-perfect.

Mostly, I am just a very, very, very flawed person.

So when I get incredibly frustrated with my children for seemingly being deaf to my voice while they are sitting not even 2 feet away, and possibly react in a way that is not in the best interests of anybody in the house, I will breath, apologize, hug them, maybe cry, and realize that I am the perfect candidate for a Saviour and thank God that He has given me one.


AshleyP said...

Very true friend. These kids seem to bring out the worst in me some days but I am so grateful for grace and a God who allows me to grow and be challenged to become more like Him through these little "monsters" :)

Diana S. said...

absolutely true and felt by nearly every single mother on this planet! Hugs!! :)

Erica said...

Yes kids are truly a growing tool for us. It's so encouraging to know that I'm not alone in this. (Even if I feel like it and have to remind myself that I'm not.)