Here are the bangs
It only took about 5 tries to get a photo that was sort of centred, mostly clear, with no cleavage taking over the screen. But isn't Leigh super cute?!
I love my new bangs. I had a few before, but they were wispy and tended to mostly look greasy and lonely. My friend cut them for me and at first I was needing a little adjustment time but now I am in love. How did I live before? I think I look so much better. I pity my previous self for looking so pathetic. :-)
And the boots
A photo on might show them off better, but meh. I bought these throw a Facebook buy and sell group. These again were an adjustment, but now I love them. Though I don't think I have many clothes that are worthy to be paired with them. And I have a desire now to try to wear them with a skirt but I think that might be too daring for me. We'll see.
I got lots of compliments on my boots. Okay, by lots I mean two people, but still! It's two of my friends so that means lots to me.
New things just jazz life up a little and I was needing that. I was contemplating trying to rearrange the furniture in my room but I don't think my hubs wants me to do that. Plus I don't know if all the stuff would fit in the room any other way.
I have lots of ideas for organization in my house, but I don't have all my items to do that, so I kind of feel stuck in that area. Like I want to organize all our craft supplies, and my scrapbooking stuff. I was planning on buying a cabinet at Christmas, but that fell through when we needed to fix our truck tire. But I still hold onto that idea. I have decided that I might be able to put supplies in boxes or baskets or something and use my baby change table as a shelf, since I'm not using it for babies currently. But then I need more boxes or whatever. And I don't want to buy them here, since they're like expensive, I think $5 at Extra Foods. There is a Dollar Tree (which is pretty much my favourite non-secondhand store) just an hour south of me in Idaho, but I have to get my passport renewal sent off before I can go down again.
So those are my thoughts tonight. Glad you were able to share them with me!