I have missed the last two Friday Weigh-In posts. Just because I'm too lazy to do anything. Not because I am giving up dieting or that I have binged so bad that I have gained 20 more pounds. Actually, I am doing quite well and I am so very pleased with myself. I have lost 10, count 'em 10, pounds since I started as of today!!! That is a huge victory in my opinion. There was a part of me that didn't think it was such a huge deal at first since this is actually 10 pounds that I have put on on top of what could be called pregnancy weight. I have no little children to blame on this.
But that doesn't make it less important of celebration-dance worthy! Now I am 163lb, and about 40 inches in the waist. But I'm not confident on my waist measuring skills. I know it should be easy, but I get different readings almost everytime. Obviously I made the right choice in not becoming a tailor.
Abby started preschool this week. She was supposed to start on Friday, but she woke up with a bad chest congestion. On the first day of school! Sick days aren't supposed to happen until at least October. So I was slightly panicky because I wasn't sure how I was supposed to get ahold of the support worker. But it all worked out, obviously. I worry for nothing. And I sent her on Monday, even though she was still a little stuffy.
She had a great time, from everything I can gather. She isn't the easiest to understand, right, but she wasn't upset when I picked her up so that was a good indication. And another miracle, was that she didn't throw a fit when we left! She just let me put her shoes on, grabbed her backpack, and headed out the door with me. I was amazed, and SO thankful. That was my biggest worry, that she would have a huge tantrum because she didn't want to leave.
I am so glad that it all worked out. Oh and something else that made me happy was that, totally by accident, I stumbled across a site of a Christian home schooling group that is in a nearby city. They do enrolling or registering, and even if I enroll I still can pick our own curriculum, at least for the first 9 grades. I just feel like it was God leading me because I never found anything about them before or even heard about them here. But I think that they are what I was looking for. There is a home group here in town, but they aren't Christian based. Not necessarily a big issue, but if I had to choose, it's always nice to have people who are on the same page as I am.
So this is my sort of catch-up topics that I've thought about for the last week. All in one convienent place.
wow! way to go on the weight-loss!
And finding a Christian Homeschooling group truly is a blessing! I wish we had one near us.
I hope it all works out for you.
@Diana S.
Thanks Diana. It did feel good to lose at least some weight, after struggling so long! And I am sooooo excited to find that group. I just feel like it was meant to be.
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